Beier Skin Technology

Get Free sample

Welcome to send us a request for free samples, and we will have a professional contact you.

How to get free sample

Thank you for your attention to our company's products. We are very willing to provide you with free samples for trial first and then a custom purchase. Please fill in the correct name and contact number and the product name you want to try in the send inquiry option. We will respond as soon as we receive your email, confirm your request, and provide further clarification. Since we need to calculate postage and logistics costs according to your address and region, our samples will not include postage. Once you confirm to accept the freight, we will arrange free samples and the most convenient express way for you.
Our free samples are limited in number and are only available for first-time applications. We will do our best to meet the needs of each user. At the same time, we also hope that you can provide pertinent feedback and suggestions on our products after the trial to help us better optimize and improve.
Thank you for your support and trust in us, we look forward to providing you with the best products and services. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us.